Sales Professionals...Double Down On These 3 Areas To Exponentially Grow Your Sales In 2022.

blog Jan 10, 2022
Sales Professionals... Double Down On These 3 Areas To Exponentially Grow Your Sales In 2022.
“Courage doesn't mean never being afraid. We're all afraid sometimes. Bravery means doing the right thing anyway. That's true strength.”
Gwenda Bond

The truth will set you free in 2022! Growing your business will require you to do new and different things.

Are you brave enough to make it happen?

Let's face it, in today's business climate, you're being faced with monumental challenges.

You must be savvy in navigating unique sales courses brought on by information-empowered buyers, digitization inside your respective channels, while continually adapting to a virtualized business world.

Competition is everywhere, from the well-established to tech-savvy start-ups, layer in these uncontrollable events; and this places added pressure on your sales margins.

Here's the question for all you to think about...

How open are you to change?

How effective have you been in maintaining your clients?

How effective have you been in driving profitable new business growth?

What is your plan for client retention?

"Progress is impossible without change, and those who cannot change their minds cannot change anything."
George Bernard Shaw

Growth and comfort do not play well together.

It's imperative that you retool parts of the sales process around a different model, one which calls for new approaches, new positioning, new client experiences, and new business growth; all centered on a well-organized plan.

In 2022, you must adapt to the rapidly changing market conditions, digital business models, and disruptive competitors.

You must become laser-focused on bringing fresh ideas and new insights in a hyper-personalized manner.

What sets you apart from all the other empty suits in your marketplace?


You have unparalleled amounts of information available to you, to the point where information is no longer a competitive advantage.

Your competitive advantage is in plain sight and it's staring right back at you in the mirror.

What gives you the edge over all the other empty suits?

I believe it's the insight into how to use this information to help solve potential business problems and challenges for your clients.

Are you making your clients smarter or are your clients making themselves smarter?

How do you think this may affect your relationship?

Does it make any difference?

Trust, value, and meaningful relationships... it is how you sell it and how you offer it that will set you apart.

What's your growth plan in 2022?

The head coach of any professional sports team has a game plan. What's yours? Will you rise to the challenge, dig in and do the work necessary to grow your sales?


“You never know what results will come from your action. But if you do nothing, there will be no results.”
Mahatma Ghandi

If you do nothing, there will be nothing!

What is your appetite to drive sales growth in 2022?

If you commit to doubling down on the following three areas while taking massive action, you will 2x your sales results in 2022.


One of the single best sources for sales growth - retaining and growing your client base. We all know it’s less expensive to retain your clients than it is to acquire new ones.

It is imperative that you build meaningful relationships high, wide and deep.

With transient careers, you become relationally vulnerable limiting who you know within your client base. You must go way beyond key decision-makers. You must start to connect to company influencers, end-users, and key department managers; cross-pollinating relationships is mission-critical.

You must build genuine, authentic relationships with an abundance of individuals within your client base, as the opportunity for loyalty increases.

One way to guarantee loyal clients is to create unbreakable heartfelt bonds.

"We share an unbreakable bond. And only the two of us know the secret codes for holding us together"
Palak Jain

Think about...

  • Setting specific and agreeable expectations
  • Continuing to bring insight and fresh ideas
  • Nurturing the relationship online as well
  • Intentional listening - go above and beyond, never break a promise
Are you creating the ties that bind with your clients?

Those of you who to fail to build strong ties may see important deals collapse.

You must become obsessed with protecting and serving your clients.

Salespeople... You must become obsessed with your clients or someone else will.

It is about building rock-solid relationships. And in doing so, think about the networks you could create and the potential referrals you could curate.


You can increase your sales by focusing less on acquiring new clients and more on your current clients?

Call me crazy but I promise you this works.

Most salespeople fail to capitalize on what sits close to home and who resides within the networks of people they already do business with.

To increase new business, you must concern yourself with reducing client attrition by providing them with a memorable and outstanding experience.

The more you know about your clients, the more you grow with your clients

This opens new relationships, new conversations, and new sales opportunities.

The more you learn about your clients, the more you earn from your clients


Listening is the new prospecting. Are you intentionally listening to the cues?

Fuel new business growth by integrating social into your prospecting cadence. Your clients and future clients use social, your competitors use social, quite frankly; social has become deeply woven into our everyday way of life.

The core elements of blending social into your process can be accomplished by:

  • Building a personal value framework - establish your credibility and help create visibility within the marketplace
  • Listen and learn - understand what your ideal clients are talking about... What's important? What's top of mind?
  • Engage in conversations - join and start conversations moving them from online to offline

You must work strategically to implement a well-targeted sales development growth plan.

You must become precision-like in proactively developing trusted and credible relationships with these high-valued opportunities.

"Superstars are relentless, unstoppable prospectors. They are obsessive about keeping their pipeline full of qualified prospects. They prospect anywhere and anytime—constantly turning over rocks looking for their next opportunity."
Jeb Blount


In the book, To Sell is Human by Daniel Pink, he writes about how we’ve gone from a "buyer beware" culture to a "seller beware" culture.

You already know this...

There is an enormous amount of information available via the internet that your clients and future clients have become well-versed in their options and interests before you may even enter the scene.

It's imperative you and mission-critical that you understand your client's world. You must add value right from the get-go, not just show up, throw up and educate them on a product or solution.

Business growth is critical to your sales health.

Do you have the will-do and the can-do? Being open to growth enables you to innovate, as you rise above all the other empty suits.

You can either rise up and evolve or wallow in complacency and comfort.

"Without continual growth and progress, such words as improvement, achievement, and success have no meaning."
Benjamin Franklin
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