Attention Sales World...Connection Starts At The Heart, Not The Wallet

sales leaders sales professionals Feb 14, 2021
“The best and most beautiful things in the world cannot be seen or even touched—they must be felt with the heart."
Helen Keller

Your ability to succeed becomes crippled when there's an unbalanced connection with your heart.

Embracing a heart centered approach to sales rests with your ability to pause, look inward, and reflect upon the course of action you know is the right one, rather than succumbing to external pressures and misaligned sales tactics.

Sales professionals who unify at the heart level and not the wallet level are able to connect with the emotional needs of their clients. They understand people crave the need to be valued, respected, seen, heard and acknowledged.

By acknowledging and not forgetting the human element, heart-centered professionals maintain the wisdom to positively transform their client's business experience.

"Until we can receive with an open heart, we are never really giving with an open heart."
Brené Brown


According to relationship expert John Gottman, if you want connectivity, mutual affinity, care, passion, trust, longevity and respect then you must choose to be kind. 

  • Are you going the extra mile with your clients?
  • Are you honoring and delighting them when they least expect it?
  • How are you building trust with your clients?

Zappos, Nordstrom and Starbucks have all benefited financially from their loyal customers.

A few years back, Starbucks launched their kindness campaign. Nordstrom and Zappos continue to wow customers with their generous return policies.

At what level are you connecting with your clients?

A selling from the heart sales professional seeks first to be understood as they turn transactional sales opportunities into transformational experiences.

One of the kindest things you can do for your clients is to listen to them. I'm referring to the type of listening showing genuine interest, authentic care and that you truly give a rip.

When you listen at this level you are giving your full presence and attention. It's about connecting and relating. This happens through intentionally listening.

Lead with compassion and follow with kindness


Honoring and connecting your heart is not a sign of weakness. True power resides with listening to your 'gut' and finding it within your heart by making a commitment to clear all that stands in the way of a heartfelt connection.

Sharing your knowledge is not a sign of weakness. Focus on how you can help. Sharing is caring. Share your insights and what you can do for others rather than for yourself.

I guarantee no one likes a know-it all, self-centered and stereo-typical sales rep... This does not build followership.

Sales professionals wake up in the morning with a learn-it-all mindset, sales reps wake up in the morning with a know-it-all mindset

A selling from the heart professional focuses on the concept of connecting with honesty and integrity. They walk, talk, live and breathe the human aspect of sales.

They are true practitioners and minister to their clients the message of selling from the heart.

A selling from the heart sales professional measures success not by their commission check but on the impact they've made on their clients.


I believe sales professionals must:

  • Make themselves available to serve
  • Pay attention to their clients
  • Complete every task with equal dedication
  • Become faithful and trustworthy
  • Give a rip about their career, their clients and their livelihood

A heartfelt professional commits and connects to serving others. They walk, talk, live and breathe every aspect of a servanthood.

They're humble, genuine and sincere as they roll up their emotional sleeves. They measure success not by the size of their commission check but on the impact they've made on their clients.

Loving and deeply connecting with their clients and obtaining results are their two-headed sales coin.

"When your values are clear to you, making decisions becomes easier"
Roy. E. Disney


In order build value, how many know the true meaning of value?

Why is this so important?

Inside a sea of sales sameness, VALUE; irrefutably becomes one the single biggest connection factors.

A true professional recognizes the value in both their sales-based tools and their heart-based tools. They're skillful in building rock solid and credible relationships.

They display kindness and concern. They understand these emotions demonstrate strength rather than weakness. 

Heartfelt professionals are not afraid to use the most powerful tools which come from the heart.

Be different, think different and act different. It's imperative that you must marry your value, your client's value and your company's value in complete harmony; one that is uniquely suited to promote growth and better business.


There's damage to your bank account when you neglect the human connection point, A selling from the heart professional deeply touches the heart and minds of their clients.

If some of these traits resonate with you, then you might just be on the path towards becoming a heartfelt sales professional.

  • You're committed to personal and professional growth
  • You have compassion for yourself and others
  • You have the willingness to look in the mirror and come to terms with your own character flaws
  • You're committed to making a difference not only in your own life but in the lives of your clients
  • You simply give a rip

I urge you all of you to lead a sales life full of authenticity and integrity rather than the pursuit of lining your sales wallet.

"Courage - To tell the story of who you are with your whole heart."
Brené Brown
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